Purchase Procedure

Purchase Orders and Installation Procedure


At present, most installations (in the case of new vehicles) are carried out in the PDI´s, managed by the vehicles importers. The PDI Site (Pre Delivery Inspection Site), is where all vehicles are released from customs, prepared and inspected before they are sent to dealerships across the country. It is also where all accessories such as sound systems and alarm systems, as well as driving aids for disabled drivers, are installed. Once all installations and preparation work is completed, the cars undergo "The Test" and receive their license as required. Whenever a vehicle includes special handicap driving aids, the relevant system is registered in the vehicle license. When all work is complete, the vehicle is shipped out to the relevant car dealership from which it was purchased.

Because in most cases disabled drivers must sell their old vehicle in order to finance the purchase of a new one, they are often left without a car from the moment they sell the old one and until they receive the new one. This is a problematic situation because during this interim period the disabled driver is immobile. For this reason it is imperative that the driving system is installed as quickly as possible, so that that it causes no delays in car delivery.

As far as mechanism installations are concerned, we are quick, very quick, in fact, we are the quickest around. SHAHAR Driving Systems Ltd. is the only Israeli company that operates 3 mobile workshops and employs four qualified technicians, ensuring the shortest possible time for installation.

Whenever the installation of a driving system is required, the PDI supervisor contacts us and informs us that the car is ready for installation. This is only done after all other preparations have been completed. In most cases, installation of the driving system is the very last modification performed on a vehicle before it undergoes final testing. As a rule, we are not allowed to approach the vehicle before we are called in by the PDI supervisor, but once the call comes in, we are committed to getting the job done as quickly as possible. Except for special cases (such as new vehicle models that require additional preparation for a prototype, special customer requirements or force majeur), installation begins the very same day or on the next day at the latest.


When you, the customer, arrive at the car dealership for the purpose of ordering your new car, and have chosen SHAHAR Driving Systems Ltd. to install the driving system you require, we recommend you call us directly from the dealership. We will prepare your purchase order and immediately fax a copy of it to the salesman who is present with you. In addition to the explanations you receive by phone, the purchase order will include full details of all accessories that are to be installed in your new car, along with specific requirements, special notes, price and terms of payment.


Orderly Purchase Orders are required for several reasons:

• To verify we understand exactly what needs to be done and how.

• To inform the importer that he is to call us in for installation of the accessories when the car is ready.

• To finalize price and terms of payment.

• And most importantly, to enable us to organize ourselves and prepare the driving system on time,

   so we are ready and able to install it as soon as we are notified by the importer.

Please Note: The purchase order is by no way intended to create any type of customer obligation towards our company, but is only meant to ensure an orderly work procedure. The customer is entitled to cancel the order at any time before the date of installation without having to pay any sort of fine and without any argument on our part.